Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Room 5 has been observing caterpillars and butterflies in the Butterfly Garden .
We watched The Very Hungry Caterpillar story on You Tube and read the book. 
For art we made our own Hungry Caterpillars using collage.


  1. Hi Room 5
    Its Elizabeth i like all of your guys caterpillars, they are awesome because
    they have different colours and all of your caterpillars look happy

  2. Hello room 5
    your caterpillers look awesome.
    they all have their own personality,
    and a beautiful mix of colours.
    you must have a lot of fun in room 5.
    Naomi Rm 10

  3. Love your caterpillar pictures Room 5 lots of of different colours all look amazing.
